Sunday, August 25, 2013


My thoughts about this post started yesterday when my parents and I were packing up my apartment. I realized just how ridiculous my attachment to my "things" is. I was going through my clothes with my mom and deciding which clothes would go to their house, which clothes would stay and be packed in the storage unit, and which clothes would go with me to Haiti. Yes, I have that many clothes. 

Realize, I am going for three months. I need quite a bit of clothes. I began to realize how great my "need" was when I had my clothes bag almost completely full and still felt like I "needed" to take more clothes. This is a large duffel from Vera Bradley. Ladies, you know how huge those things are. I FILLED it with clothes that I "needed". 

I kind of pushed it down and allowed myself to feel okay because I would be donating most of those clothes to the hospital, until this morning. Lisa, a woman in my church, and her daughter came up to me to offer some help moving, encouragement, and donations. Lisa's daughter, Dooey, wanted to give up some of her stuffed animals for the kids in Haiti. Everyone had stuffed animals as children, I'm assuming. You know what a big deal it is for a child to offer those to others. I was amazed. 

Then, as the Lord would have it, my Pastor, Jermaine, brought up The Beatitudes during his sermon. In Matthew 5, we find some promises from God. Verse 8 really got me. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." This reminded me of Dooey and her willingness to give to the less fortunate. 

Moral of this blog, I'm not sure. I just wanted to share my thoughts. Please be praying for Dooey, the children her stuffed animals will touch, and my, sometimes, selfish thoughts. 

1 comment:

  1. We are all selfish on some level Jessica- it is human nature. But your level of selflessness outweighs any negative that may come with a little normal selfishness. That, my dear, is the sermon of the day.
