Monday, September 2, 2013

Last few days.

The weekends are usually a relaxing time for most people. My last one was full of "stuff". Haha, "stuff" is that set of things that is never fun, but must be done in order to move on/things to progress. My "stuff" was leaving my job and moving out of my apartment. 

My last day at Connecticut Children's Medical Center was one of great relief. It meant that this journey to Haiti is real. I am really unemployed. I am really going to volunteer. 

Then comes Saturday. Moved out of my ridiculously expensive apartment in CT. I'm now free of rent payments for the next few months. I could not have done that day alone. All 8 of my helpers are greatly appreciated. 

This. Is. Real. 

Saturday night I made it to Rockland, ME. I love it here. It is so quiet and non-busy. Things move SO slow for me to be in New England. Did I say I love it here... in the summer? 

Sunday was filled with wonderful things of all kinds. Church and after-service picnic at Camden Hills State Park. Trip to the Dahlia farm that is run by a friend of my mom's and dinner at Cafe Miranda were two unexpected delights of the day. 

So grateful for this quiet time away from the busy and bustling before my trip. I'm hoping to get some time to do some things on my own, as well as, head up to Acadia State Park with my brother. I will keep you updated. 

"And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while." For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat." Mark 6:31

Please keep this trip in your prayers. I covet them so much. 

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